Image Error: Please contact the experimenter at XXX with the phrase "IMG-ERROR".
Image Error: Please contact the experimenter at XXX with the phrase "IMG-ERROR". CanvasError: Please contact XXX and include your sona ID and the phrase "CANVAS-ERROR" to receive your credit.
Oops! Deviated too much!
Yours or Not?

You are almost done! Now please answer these last questions:

Please make a guess on the purpose of the experiment

What device did you use to control the cursor?

Please enter the device you used for controlling the cursor:

Do you currently have a dual-monitor setup where the other monitor was on during the games?

Please answer YES even if you did not actively use the other monitor.

Was the browser in the full-screen mode during all the games?

You will receive your credit regardless of what your answer is here. Please be honest for science! Thanks!

Did you complete this experiment seriously throughout (without randomly responding)?

You will receive your credit regardless of what your answer is here. Please be honest for science! Thanks!

Was any part of the procedure unclear? Did you have any problems completing any of the tasks?

You will receive your credit regardless of what your answer is here. Please be honest for science! Thanks!

What is your gender?

What is your age?

Which of the 2 games gives you stronger impression that the yellow ball is alive?
Which of the 2 games gives you stronger impression that the yellow ball is acting socially?

You have finished the experiment! Thank you very much!

Whenever you are ready, click END to submit your work. You may read the text below if you are interested in what we are studying.

Debriefing Sheet

Thanks for participating in the experiment.

In the games you play, sometimes you see your own movements like what you'd see normally (e.g., you see how your hands move according to how you move it), but sometimes your visual experience deviate from what you command your hand to do and what you feel from the movements of your hand. How much you pick up on the mismatch and how much you perceptual system tolerate the mismatch determine how much weaker you experience the visual feedback as yourself.

What we were testing in these games was how the yellow ball's motion influenced your tolerance for the mismatch. Sometimes the ball appeared to be causally "launched" by the cursor, in a physical manner. Critically, sometimes it appeared to suddenly start moving on it's own when the cursor get near, as if it is avoiding the cursor as in a social interaction. Since we often think of ourselves and our actions in the social terms, compared to the physical terms, we are testing if this tendency translate to different levels of tolerance for the mismatch between what you see and what you feel from your hand movements.

Please don't hesitate to contact the researcher if you have any questions.